
We strive to create a sustainable platform that can contribute to a more positive effect on the environment. Therefore, we have made it easier for you who wants both great design and sustainable solutions to your home. The goal is to make it less difficult to pursue sustainable designer lighting for your home. As a result, we have taken the first steps for our journey towards sustainability.

Learn more about our selection process and criteria below and explore sustainable brands and products. All have been carefully selected on the basis of one or multiple sustainability criteria listed below. 

Sustainability criteria

  • Ansvarlighed


    The lamps on our platform that are marked with our sustainability symbol have to be produced with a responsible mindset. This includes the process of selecting and sourcing materials, as well as the production and distribution process itself. For us, it is important that a brand takes responsibility for the environment as well as the people found across the entire supply chain. The most beautiful with a design is to watch the designer's creativity become a reality but as to not ruin the beauty of the result, each part of the process has to have a responsible approach. 

  • Lav miljøpåvirkning

    Environmental impact

    The environmental impact plays a vital part in our assessment of a product's overall sustainable level. A number of our brands have taken exciting initiatives within recycling, environmental and local materials as well as steps towards a more environmentally friendly production process. This is seen with some of our brands have chosen to work purely with local materials, such as with the brand of Secto working with Finnish birch tree, as opposed to cheaper alternatives.  

  • Genbrug


    An increasing amount of brands have started to use recycled materials for their designer lamps. A number of our sustainable products in focus have decided to use other manufacturers' excess production waste with the goal of upcycling the material. This process is based on recycling while it creates new and beautiful designs for your home. An example of this is the brand of Graypants who uses recycled cardboard and upcycles it to elegant designer lamps. 

When do we grant the sustainability symbol?

Products will be granted our sustainability symbol when they successfully meet one or more of our sustainability criteria. The criteria for the evaluation process are influenced by a number of the most recognised certificates and their goals. This includes The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), EU Ecolabel, PEFC, FSC and Global Recycling Standard.

Our sustainability criteria currently focuses on responsible materials, low environmental impact and creative upcycling. We rely on these certificates in our research of existing and new brands to be able to guide our customers in the best way. This is part of our proces, where we at AndLight generally wish to focus on how brands choose to utilize sustainable solutions for the production of their beautiful designer lamps. In brief we want to make it easy to choose sustainably!

  • Certifikat

    Sustainable Development Goals

  • Certifikat

    EU Ecolabel

  • Certifikat


  • Certifikat

    Forest Stewardship Council®

  • Certifikat

    Global Recycled Standard

Popular sustainable lamps

We have found some of the most popular designer lamps who share a sustainable approach so you can become inspired to decorate your home with sustainable solutions. You can find the sustainable products on our site by looking at the green symbol. Lamps who have been granted the symbol, have all been produced with a number of our criteria taken into consideration. Either, through responsible choice of materials, spend of resources or creative upcycling and recycling processes. Watch our for the symbol and take the first step towards a more sustainable future.

View all sustainable products

Sustainable brands